Turn Emails Into Business Insights
Transform email addresses into valuable business intelligence.
Get verified LinkedIn profiles, company information, and professional contact details instantly.
Professional Email Lookup Made Easy
Turn email addresses into verified LinkedIn profiles, company details, and actionable insights — instantly.
We are GDPR compliant, ensuring your data privacy, and only use publicly available information.
What we offer
CRM Integration
Effortlessly connect and automate in no time, saving valuable time for more critical tasks. Quickly search any email and enrich new leads, contacts, and accounts with company and contact details.
No-Code Automation
Integrate MyBetterLead with no-code automation platforms like Zapier to effortlessly streamline and automate your data enrichment process.
Files processsing
Easily upload a file (CSV, XLSX, etc.) with email addresses and get detailed profile data within minutes.
Our team can help you build custom integrations for your specific needs
Simple, transparent pricing
Choose the plan that's right for your business
Perfect for individuals
- 200 credits
- Bulk File Enrichement
- Real Time data enrichment
- Zapier Integration
- Hubspot Integration
- API access
Perfect for small businesses
- 2 000 credits
- all features in Starter
Perfect for growing businesses
- 11 000 credits
- all features in Growth
Perfect for large businesses
- 100 000 credits
- all features in Professional
The most accurate email enrichment tool, made for business needs
Effortlessly discover accurate professional details about individuals and their companies using their personal or work email address.